My birthday slumber party with my daughters, grand-daughters, and sister-in-law.
Hi Everybody!
I’m taking a break from posting this week 1) to celebrate my birthday and 2) to make sure I get my letters to the 2020 presidential candidates in the mail and email asking them to display their serious mental illness (SMI) policies on their campaign websites. We have to make SMI part of the 2020 presidential discourse if we want it to compete with all the other issues coming to the fore.
The lack of SMI care in the United States is a disaster that’s getting worse by the day. I hope you’ll be writing letters/emails, too. Let’s send thousands of letters and put SMI front and center on the national stage.
See these posts in the Archives on this site:
2020 Presidential Candidate Contact Information — May 8, 2019 Sample SMI Letter to 2020 Presidential Candidates — May 9, 2019
Just in: For a presidential Q & A in San Francisco on June 1, 2019, click on the link below to submit your question to 8 Democratic presidential candidates. I’ve submitted my question asking to see each candidates national SMI policy on their campaign website. Let’s get SMI into the national dialogue for our next presidential election!