November 6, 2018: Our son, Joseph, was gone again since Wednesday last week, but not before he broke my husband's computer and my PC monitor. He’d previously broken my laptop. We called the police. They came and talked to him and determined he was not a threat. They didn’t take him. This is getting so old.
He called over the weekend. He was taken to the mental hospital. Eventually, I was able to ask how he got there. He said, “I was darting into traffic trying to get a ride out of ‘here.’” Then he said, “I was darting into traffic trying to end my life.”
This is the worst he's been since his initial onset back in 2012. I know, if he gets treatment and is stabilized, things will be better for a time. I know this illness is a rollercoaster. I asked him if he mentioned his intent to hurt himself to the police and the hospital. He said, "Yeah, I told them." Then he became adamant that he needs to be out of there ASAP. Maybe now, with his words, there might be some serious effort to treat him? I ask, once again, for your prayers.
November 9, 2018: Feeling absolutely hopeless. We visited our son on Wednesday at the Riverside mental health unit where he’s been for three days since he was found jumping into traffic. He’s psychotic and delusional. He was admitted because he was threatening to harm himself.
Today I get a call from the police in Indio, 75 miles away. Apparently my son was transferred to a voluntary treatment facility on Thursday and he simply walked out. The facility eventually called the police. He’s being reported as missing. I attempted to fill the officer in on my son's condition, but he had to get off the phone because he had another emergency. I’m literally loosing my mind! Why, Why, Why is this happening?
December 27, 2018: Hope for the new year! As you have read from my past posts, my son was on a downward spiral for the last six months. He’s been in and out of homelessness and the hospital with no real treatment. These photos are a month apart. One is after two weeks of homelessness. He has an injury to his leg (fractured). This is a bit of a mystery. He was tired and weary.
Joseph was home for a few weeks and then, 10 days ago, he was taken back to hospital. He was transferred to another facility for treatment and he finally agreed to take a long-lasting injection.
We brought him home today. The photo is after a warm shower. I’m hopeful for him and I thank you for all the support and prayers. As we all know, we’re never out of the woods, but I did want to share some good news. The last six months have been trying times. Finally, something good to report. Keep praying for all our loved ones who are like my son and deserving of a good life.
Joseph after two weeks of homelessness.