Just as I began to wonder if my blog and our stories are making a difference, I received this message from New Zealand:
"My beloved son, Ben, has severe paranoid schizophrenia. He's 22. I live in New Zealand where there are no facilities to help him except medication. He's made to have monthly injections as he has no insight into his illness at all. He also has terrible drug and alcohol abuse and I'm his only support as no one wants him around. I found this site last night when I was feeling so hopeless and I read all night - every story - and cried my broken heart out. I just wanted to thank all of you because I really, really needed you and you are what helps in the dark times."
Thank you, everyone, for speaking out and sharing your stories on Sooner Than Tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who read our stories and pass them on.
Photo credit: Jen Collins/Flickr