My wonderful, heavenly angel son, Shane Watkins (39), was shot by Lawrence County Deputy Steven Moody because he thought all people with mental illness were dangerous.
My son called 911 saying I threatened to kill him and his dog. I told 911, “We have no guns in the house and please tell the cop not to kill my son.”
When the cop got out of his truck, he had his gun in his hand. I was standing in the doorway. My son was standing by my car. I begged the cop, “Please don’t kill my son.” Not even five seconds later, he shot my son three times in the chest. One bullet went into the hood of my car. Then he pointed the gun at me and threatened to kill me, too. March 19, 2015.
The police report stated that I said my son attacked me but he didn't. The police report said my son attacked the cop but he didn't. I'm still praying for justice and still waiting to get another court date. The last one was cancelled.
I just came to the cemetery to put flowers and Alabama memorabilia on Shane’s grave. Since he loved steak, I’ll eat a steak in honor of his life.
My love and prayers for all the mothers who have lost a child. Thank you for your support and for sharing your losses.