With the corona virus pandemic, visiting rules have been changed in most US prisons. Many of our SMI family members are in prison and often in solitary confinement. We’re all experiencing various levels of solitary confinement as we stay home — with one or two others or by ourselves — in response to COVID-19 directives. We’re getting a feel for the stresses of being in isolation. Can you imagine being seriously mentally ill with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and being in solitary confinement with family visiting sessions cancelled? No. Neither can I.
Several of you have asked if there might be a way to set up correspondence with SMI prisoners (in and out of solitary) to let them know they’ve not been forgotten. I’m adding this page to the blog as a place to post the names/addresses of prisoners who would welcome news and connection to the outside world. In other words, they’d love to receive letters from you.
Please send me a brief description of a SMI prisoner you know who would like to receive mail. A photo of them would be great if you have it. I’ll begin this list with Travis Christian whom I’ve been visiting and writing about on the blog. Send your information to me at dede@soonerthantomorrow.com. Thank you so much.
Travis Christian
Travis Christian has been in prison over seven years for a crime he committed while he was in a psychotic state. You can read my stories about Travis on the blog. Check the archives on the right. Travis was due to be released this year, but now, he’s in solitary confinement indefinitely for attacking his cellie while in another delusional state. The DA recently told Travis that he’s bringing charges against him for attempted murder. Travis is potentially facing many more years in prison. Travis’s mail address: Travis Christian, BB8099, C-12-242, Mule Creek State Prison, PO Box 409060, Ione, CA 95640.
Dillon McCandless
If you could add my son Dillon to your list for mail, that would be great. I'm very worried about him. He’s currently in isolation in Butner, NC. He has schizophrenia and is in isolation most of the time because he either won't stay on meds or they don't have him on the right medication. He was doing so well when he first arrived, but we don't know what has happened and I can't get anyone to tell me. He can't even call us for a month. He was at a medical center in Rochester last year and spent four months in isolation there unmedicated. Then in Oregon for seven months and three of those in isolation. He’s been moved numerous times because federal prisons don't know how to take care of the mentally ill. I know he needs mail and positive, encouraging words. His address is: Dillon McCandless 19101023, FCI Butner Medium 1, PO Box 1000, Butner, NC 27509
Mason Lantern
My son, Mason, is 28. He’s been ill with schizophrenia since 2009. He just made it through high school to get his diploma. He used to be a math and science whiz, loved playing online computer games, and made friends easily. He was also great at sports. Any sport you put him in he could do, and he loved it. For a minute there, he was in a good treatment program. He lived at home, was able to attend community college, made friends, had a girlfriend, and started taking piano lessons and practicing. However, he's been in pretty bad shape since 2012. He’s had in multiple arrests, failed attempts at treatment, been homeless, and spent significant time in the largest mental hospital in the world — Twin Towers Los Angeles County jail for men. He's there now and we're hoping to get him into a locked IMD but chances are he'll have to be held at the county hospital until a bed opens up. Mason’s mail address: Mason Lantern, #5854725, Terminal Annex, PO Box 86164, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0164.