The following is transcribed from a video recording:
I was badly beaten by my mentally ill son who suffers from bipolar disorder, PDST, and severe ADHD. Prior to July 24, 2018, I called 911 to have officers 5150 my son because he wasn’t taking his medication and was becoming irritable. I know when my son’s not taking his medication because I’ve been dealing with his illness since 2013. I called his psychiatrist and he told me to call 911 and have him 5150d.
The police refused. They said, “Your son is calm, agrees to take his medication, and we see no reason to 5150 him at this time. If anything happens, please let us know.”
Well, this is the result (see photo below) and now my son’s in prison, again, because of a beating that wasn’t his fault. My son’s never laid a hand on me but, then again, he’s never had PTSD before. He got PTSD when he was incarcerated. The prison refused to believe that my son was mentally ill. So everyday that he was acting badly or had a panic attack, he was either maced or put into a chair with a bag over his head and with his wrists strapped.
Most of the time, my son was in a padded cell. A normal person couldn’t handle a padded cell and for two-and-a-half months that’s what his life was like until he was released. When he got out, he was awarded to me for five years. I told him he had PTSD but nobody would give us any help. I’ve cried. My son has cried. And now we both suffer and nobody’s helping us.
The mental health system sucks. Mother’s know best. This never would have happened if someone had listened to me. I suffered a brain hemorrhage for four days. Where I got stitches got infected and I was put on antibiotics.
So I’m not able to help my son, to see him or to find out what’s going on with him. All I’m doing is crying out for help. Somebody please help us. Please help us. God bless you.
Note: Debra lives in Sacramento County, California.
Debra in the hospital.