This sky was exactly what I needed to see tonight.
Today was one of those days that families living “in the life” can relate to.
Some of you know we have had our son on a waiting list for a facility in Quincy, Illinois. Well, they have an opening, and today we took our son to go visit the facility himself to see if he would like to make this transition.
Once again, this might not seem like a big deal to many, but for someone with a serious brain disorder, with altered memories of his experiences, and to be fair, some traumatic experiences as well, this is actually fraught with all sorts of fears and stress.
Upon arrival, things didn’t go well. Actually, they went about as badly as they could have. And yet, the folks at this facility handled the situation with more kindness, patience, and wisdom than we have witnessed in a lot of years while navigating the mental illness treatment system.
Our son demanded we drive him back to his group home, but we had to stop for lunch and somehow he changed his mind and asked to go back to talk with the kind folks, and apologize.
And so, we went back. And he talked with them, and they managed to get him to open up and share his questions, concerns, and fears. He shared some of his traumas of the past — some actual, some not — but all very real to him. He demonstrated more insights into his illness than we have seen from him, ever.
By the end of the talk, he just wanted us to leave him there, and go collect his belongings. Well, things don’t work quite that quickly and easily. But, papers were signed and the process was started.
And there, within just one very long day, is how it is living on the roller coaster “in the life.” We know things could fall apart tomorrow, but for tonight, we think we may have finally found where he needs to be, where there are skilled, compassionate people who “get it” and want to help him.
Even though I still don’t quite believe in a God, I do believe there are angels walking amongst us. Toni Hatton Park, I am ever so glad to have met you and to have had the opportunity to witness you working your magic today.
And this sky tonight seems ever so soothing, like a beautiful sign of better days ahead for our son.